Viet cong tunnel rats patch

Payne, from atlanta, georgia, squad leader of company a, 1st bn, 5th infantry, 25th infantry division, checks a tunnel entrance carrying a flashlight and a sidearm, before entering it to search for viet cong and their equipment during operation cedar falls in the ho bo woods, 25 miles north of saigon on january 24th, 1967. Flowers in 1969 served as rat six, commander of the crack tunnel rat. Our tunnel rat vietnam patch is a full color, embroidered military patch. The tunnel rat was the soldier that volunteered to, at very high risk, enter viet cong tunnel networks and search them for hostile forces, weapons, and contraband. Those were the guys who wriggled their way through the ridiculously narrow tunnels the viet cong used to transport personnel and weapons, set boobytraps, and all that. It was long known that such complexes existed, but it was not realized just how extensive they were in some areas, how important they were to the viet cong.

Vietnam war patch, us 1st cavalry division tunnel rat team. For dealing with charlie, the best handgun for the job was pretty debated by the tunnel rats. Durig vietnam war, the viet cong created extensive underground complexes. Originally called tunnel runners by the 25th infantry division, and ferrets by the australian army, the term tunnel rat soon became their official accepted. A viet cong soldier crouches in a tunnel with an sks rifle. While tracking down specific statistics on fatality rates among the tunnel rats is not easy, it is not a stretch to venture that. Tunnel rats patch, showing unofficial motto in latin not worth a rats. The life of the tunnel rat was not to be envied, unless you are the most committed of adrenaline junkies and have a death wish. Their tunnels were barely large enough to allow them to pass through. On january 18, tunnel rats from the 1st bn 5th infantry regiment of the 25th infantry division uncovered the viet cong district headquarters of c.

Bottom, a mother and daughtercelebrate the birth of a grandchild in the cu chi tunnel hospital facility. If ever there was a sign of the uphill battle facing us and south vietnamese forces, it was this communist stronghold that persisted throughout the war just seventy kilometres from the seat of south vietnamese and american power. Originally called tunnel runners by the 25th infantry division, and ferrets by the australian army, the term tunnel rat became the official accepted name during the vietnam war for men who would descend into a pitch black, claustrophobic, dank hell, to play a deadly game of hide and seek with the enemy. The tunnel rats went into the holes with no idea of what they might encounter below the ground. Following the war, the vietnamese government set out to preserve the old tunnel system and today tourists can visit and tour the cu chi tunnel systems. Did the us tunnel rats explored viet cong tunnels alone. Wikipedia commons in 1946, the viet minh were the viet cong resistance fighters who began digging the tunnels and bunkers to combat the french, whom they would eventually defeat. Most of us who served as tunnel rats during the vietnam war quickly. His hunt for a motive takes him to the vietnam, where the american tunnel rats fought the dirtiest battle of the war against the viet cong. During vietnam war, tunnel rat personnel was a special us combat unit sent out to hunt and kill the viet cong soldiers in a mantoman combat in the endless tunnels underneath the jungle of vietnam. The pistols that were carried by the tunnel rats were varied, the. Whether you are a vietnam veteran, or just showing your support for a friend or loved one, we have a variety of vietnam veteran patches at affordable prices.

Geoff knew that one of our fellow tunnel rats, sapper robert earl, known as yogi, was the no. Usually they would only carry a single pistol, with only one magazine of ammo even on missions on which they were likely to encounter more than six or seven enemy troops. The vietnam war ended with the fall of saigon in 1975. Non gratus anus rodentum is a latin phrase that, when translated into english, means not worth a rats ass. Oct 02, 2015 american, australian, and new zealander soldiers who performed underground search missions.

The viet cong guerrillas, however, respected the american tunnel soldiers. Two viet cong were setting up a booby trap on the trail just yards from our position, and were in danger of being caughtand killed, of course, when a third viet cong who was acting as lookout, saw us approaching and opened fire with his ak47. It was long known that such complexes existed, but it was not realized just how extensive they were in some areas, how important they were to the viet cong, and how difficult it was to detect and neutralize. Sapper jim marett outside the ruins of a rubber plantation mansion in vietnam in 1970. Their unofficial moto was non gratum anus rodentum. Most of us who served as tunnel rats during the vietnam war quickly realized that crawling through underground enemy bunkers would be the least of our worries. What was it like to be an american tunnel rat in vietnam. Would love to see some pics of real rats no not the rodents. Sometimes they were poorly constructed and they would simply collapse. A tunnel rat might therefore choose to enter the tunnels wearing a gas mask donning one within was frequently impossible in such a confined space.

Tunnel rats were us, australian and newzelander soldiers who went inside viet cong vc tunnels to kill any vc inside, gather any intel, recover arms and finally demolish the tunnels by planting explosives. The first extraordinary thing about the viet cong tunnel complex at cu chi is its proximity to saigon. This is the same patch that is supplied to the military and sold in military base exchanges. By kevin dockery during the vietnam war, the united states fought the viet cong and north vietnamese army forces with some of the most hightech weapons the us could produce. Payne, a tunnel rat, bravely searches a tunnel s entrance during vietnam war. It was a tradition to leave military patches behind in the tunnels to let the viet cong know that american soldiers had been there. This is a 3 inch iron on patch that is made of the highest quality. Besides enemy combatants, the tunnels themselves presented many potential dangers to tunnel rats.

This video shows the ingenuity behind the viet cong tunnel systems. Other tunnel rats procured their own personal firearms to suit their own needs. Interesting book on the united states armys 1st and 25th infantry division who had units who were tunnel rats. Latin literally not worth a rat s ass, the slogan of the tunnel rats, who were either u. These were the terrifying dangers of being a tunnel rat in. Opinion my life as a tunnel rat the new york times. Army combat engineers or infantrymen of small stature who cleared the extensive tunnel network of the viet cong during the vietnam war. Now part of a vietnam war memorial park in ho chi minh city formerly. The typical vc and nva soldier was usually small and short. Armed with only a flashlight, a single pistol, or maybe just a knife, a tunnel rat didnt. Nixon was elected the 37th president of the united states. The first shot went through the left calf of the machine gunner, michael derose. Because the tunnel rats had to operate in such cramped conditions, they could only go in very lightly armed. Au official newsletter of the vietnam tunnel rats association inc it was viet cong soldier duong van manh who first discovered how to lift m16 mines fitted with antilift devices from the 11km long barrier minefield laid by 1 field squadron in 1967.

Payne entering a tunnel in search of viet cong with a. Why the viet congs tunnels were so effective in vietnam americas. Obviously the louder and flashier the gun is, the worse it is, and in a small space, size was also a major factor. Originally called tunnel runners by the 25th infantry division, and ferrets by the. Shop vietnam veteran patches at army surplus world army. After numerous attacks and the defoliation of the fields, bulldozers moved in to sweep the tunnels.

The job was time consuming, difficult the tunnels were a tight squeeze for a typical vietname. Note the australia badge and the name written on the bush hat. Thought not accurate, it does give you a slight glimpse. This title is focused on the warriors fighting in the holes, the elite tunnel rats from the u. But his search places him in grave danger with a killer determined to protect the secrets of the tunnels. Jan 14, 2016 tunnel rats were us, australian and newzelander soldiers who went inside viet congvc tunnels to kill any vc inside, gather any intel, recover arms and finally demolish the tunnels by planting explosives.

Tunnel rats a trained tunnel team is essential to the expeditious and thorough exploitation and denial of viet cong tunnels. The obverse features a hardened army combat engineer, with flashlight and service pistol at the ready, about to enter the ratinfested tunnels of the viet cong. Tunnels were often booby trapped with hand grenades, antipersonnel mines, and punji sticks. Due to global pandemic, usps delivery may be temporarily delayed. Tunnel rat patch, 25th infantry vietnam war, x rare. This has already covered in the sister osprey title, viet cong and nva tunnels and fortifications of the vietnam war. Payne and others of the 196th light infantry brigade probed the massive tunnel in hobo woods, south vietnam, on january 21, 1967, and found detailed maps and. It was of strategic significance because it straddled the main land and the river routes used by.

The tunnel systems could often be huge, and would be filled with all kinds of tricks and traps, not to mention people trying to kill you. Tunnel rats, as american soldiers who worked in the cu chi tunnels during the vietnam war were known, used the evocative term black echo to describe the experience of being in the tunnels. Chi district of ho chi minh city saigon, vietnam, and are part of a much larger network of tunnels that underlie much of the country. Jack flowers, us army vietnam war patch amongst the most revered and feared elements of the allied military in vietnam were the tunnel rats. Tunnel rat challenge coin vietnam war veteran vet c. Tunnel rats were given the task of destroying them, gathering. Tunnel rats pursuit of vietcong soldiers deep underground abc. Their unofficial moto was non gratum anus rodentum in latin. Armed with only knives, flashlights, and pistols, tunnel rats earned the fear and respect of the viet cong, hunting them through darkness mantoman. To a man, volunteers only volunteers were permitted to join tunnel rat units they would enter the tunnels network systems of the viet cong armed with nothing more than a pistol and a knife. In 1965, soon after the first us combat troops had arrived in vietnam, it was realized that in some areas the viet cong had developed vast tunnel complexes in which to hide from the enemy.

Dec 06, 2014 tunnel rats were all volunteers as they soon realized that if a person really didnt want to do the job, he would just report the tunnel as a dead end. The vietcong would also pump poisonous gases into tunnels in which they suspected a tunnel rat was skulking. Today, the vc honor the tunnel rats who fought them mantoman as. Chi are an immense network of connecting tunnels located in the c. Did the us tunnel rats explored viet cong tunnels alone, or. This led to the reluctant rise of the tunnel rats, american warfighters who. Tunnel rats, as american soldiers who worked in the cu chi tunnels during the vietnam war were known, used the evocative term black echo to describe the experience of being in. What was the mortality rate of the vietnam era tunnel rats. Please enjoy this officially licensed vietnam tunnel rat patch. Tunnel rats were all volunteers as they soon realized that if a person really didnt want to do the job, he would just report the tunnel as a dead end. Cu chi tunnels played a vital role in the vietnamese war and helped the viet cong outlast the enemy. The descriptions of the viet cong tunnels was very well done and puts you right there in the midst of the action. American, australian, and new zealander soldiers who performed underground search missions.

These were the terrifying dangers of being a tunnel rat. The tunnels were used by the north vietnamese and viet cong as living quarters, storing supplies, and hospitals. Tunnel teams should be in a ready status to provide immediate expert assistance when tunnels are discovered. Tunnel rats, as american soldiers who worked in the cu chi tunnels.

The most dangerous part would be psyching up to get into the tunnel, carl cory says, a former 25th infantry div tunnel rat. Chi, containing half a million documents concerning all types of military strategy. Tunnel rats, though flawed is a very accomplished film, with a decent cast and claustrophobic scenes in the tunnel systems of the viet cong. This patch would be a great gift idea and a wonderful addition to your patch collection. It is believed that over 45,000 vietnamese men and women died protecting the cu chi tunnel system during the war. The tunnel rats of viet nam bill an aussie tunnel rat emerging from a tunnel. With their patch with its nonsense latin motto non gratum anus rodentum. While braving booby traps, deadly gas, and charlie hiding in the dark with an ak47 at the ready, tunnel rats used their extraordinary combat skills and highly developed intuition to ferret. It was long known that such complexes existed, but it was not realized just how extensive they were in some. Sep 12, 2019 from what i have read of them, usually alone. One of these was master sgt flo rivera who acquired and used a 9mm german luger.

Tunnel rat, ferret patch vietnam war original post. Tunnel rats were us, australian and newzelander soldiers who went inside viet congvc tunnels to kill any vc inside, gather any intel, recover arms and finally demolish the tunnels by planting explosives. A discussion with the authors of a new book about the australian army engineers of 3 field troop in vietnam who became known as the. Sergeant ronald payne, 21, of atlanta, georgia, emerges from a viet cong tunnel holding his silencerequipped revolver with which he fired at guerrillas fleeing ahead of him underground. Whenever our troops would uncover a tunnel, tunnel rats were sent in to kill any hiding enemy soldiers and to plant explosives to destroy the tunnels. Water from a kettle cools friction from the saw as they gently break the casing. This patch is shipped within 14 business days and like all of our products, carries a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. This was the reality of warfare in the tunnels of cu chi, the viet congs underground fortress dug beneath the jungles of south vietnam. Originally called tunnel runners by the 25th infantry division, and ferrets by the australian army, the term tunnel rat became the official accepted name during the vietnam war for men who would descend into a pitch black, claustrophobic, dank hell, to play a. The tunnel rats volunteered to go down into tunnels built by the viet cong with only a flashlight, pistol, and a knife. You can watch the full documentary at our on demand vimeo channel. The us army soon realized that trying to destroy the tunnels was a shortsighted policy that wasnt going to work. At its peak the cu chi tunnel network covered some 250 kilometres from the cambodian border in the west to the outskirts of what was then saigon.

Tunnel diagram they were dug before the american war, in the late 1940s, as a peasantarmy response to the ruthless and occupation of the french. The tunnel rats were american, south vietnamese, new zealand, and australian soldiers who performed underground search and destroy missions during the. The viet cong sometimes sent a spear through the throat of the tunnel rat, impaling him in the tunnel opening. Chi tunnels were the location of several military campaigns during the vietnam war, and were the viet congs base of operations for the t. That was the part that was most frightening because you didnt what you were getting into. This meant the typical american tunnel rat was also a short thin guy. Viet cong tunnel fighters open a dud bomb to salvage explosives. To a man, volunteers only volunteers were permitted to join tunnel rat units they would enter the tunnels network systems of the viet cong armed with nothing more than a. Jun, 2017 if fighting the welldefended viet cong on their home turf wasnt dangerous enough, imagine having to crawl your way through a series of extremely tight and narrow underground tunnels to capture or kill them. And of course, there was also the viet cong themselves.

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